Net Walk


For Net Walk, Tim Shaw takes a walk wearing a camera and a variety of microphones, broadcasting a live stream of environmental sound and video back to a performance space. As he moves through the different ecologies of the city, carrying a collection of listening and sensing devices, he will respond to and improvise with the wide range of signals from the immediate environment.

Alt text Net Walk – lokal int, Biel, Switzerland [Image: Chri Frautschi, 2023)

Despite the urban context Shaw will attempt to encounter diverse sonic ecologies. Wandering through this complex space will reveal various pockets of sonic activity, each of which will be worked into the unfolding performance-composition. This piece also embraces the limitations of the technology it uses, folding latency, dropouts and freezes into the character of the work.

Alt text Net Walk – lokal int, Biel, Switzerland [Image: Chri Frautschi, 2023)

Netwalk has been performanced at the following venues worldwide:

Netwalk was developed during a residency at the Digital Arts Studio in Belfast, Northen Ireland, funded by the British Council.

Alt text Net Walk – Cafe OTO, London, UK [Image: Helen Frosi, 2023)

Alt text Net Walk – lokal int, Biel, Switzerland [Image: Chri Frautschi, 2023)

Alt text Net Walk – Cafe OTO, London, UK [Image: Helen Frosi, 2023)