

Using bells and analogue wind sensors this piece explores the simple sonic materialisation of air pressure movements within an environment. Each time the wind sensor rotates a number of times a bell sounds.

Comissioned by Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre in Wales as part of ‘An In with a Stranger’ curated by Aidan Moesby.

Gust was also presented at Fort Process in 2016.

Watch Gust on Vimeo

Alt text Gust - Fort Process, Newhaven, UK [Image: Agata Urbaniak, 2016]

Alt text Gust - LGCA, Cwmbran, Wales [Image: Tim Shaw, 2016]

Alt text Gust - LGCA, Cwmbran, Wales [Image: Tim Shaw, 2016]

Alt text Gust - LGCA, Cwmbran, Wales [Image: Tim Shaw, 2016]