Mixed Messages


Alt text Mixed Messages – Lokal-INT, Biele, Switzerland [Image: Chri Frautschi, 2021]

In Mixed Messages, 3 DIY Franklin Bells are placed in a gallery space. Each is activated by a timer circuit which turns the bells on and off at different intervals. A similar DIY timing circuit turns on and off the large florescent strip light which is used to light the space.

Though mixed messages is based on electrically generated sound it is entirely un-amplified and sounds are heard acoustically, not through loudspeakers.

Franklin Bells are some of the earliest demonstrations of electric charge, converting electric energy to movement using two charged electrodes.

Produced with Lokal-INT, Laurent Güdel & Lionel Gafner („kopfhoerer“, Plattform für experimentelle Musik)

Alt text Mixed Messages – Lokal-INT, Biele, Switzerland [Image: Tim Shaw, 2021]

Alt text Mixed Messages – Lokal-INT, Biele, Switzerland [Image: Tim Shaw, 2021]

Watch Mixed Messages on YouTube