Transmission Lines


A performance-installation for spark-gap transmission and electromagnetic spectrum in collaboration with Dirty Electronics.

Spark gaps made from everyday objects used as conducting electrodes. Scrap metal, tin cans, chairs, barrels, cooking utensils, a bicycle wheel are hung and agitated by performative action and motor mechanisms to create intense electrical sparks and raw sound.

Alt text Transmission Lines, GAMPA, Pardubice, Czechia [Image: Marie Sieberová, 2023)

Whilst radio waves omitted from the high voltage constructions are picked-up by DIY coils, sound-circuits and portable radios. Sequences of charged Xenon camera flashes, Franklin bells, Jacobs Ladders and electromagnetic pumps are folded into the environment.

A wayfaring journey through the danger zone of high voltage light and sound.

Alt text Transmission Lines, GAMPA, Pardubice, Czechia [Image: Marie Sieberová, 2023)

Dirty Electronics & Tim Shaw’s Transmission Lines was developed during a recent residency in an old timber yard in Yamaguchi, Japan.

Alt text Transmission Lines, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria [Image: Harald Wawrzyniak, 2023)

Alt text Transmission Lines Tour Poster [Image: Tim Shaw, 2023)

Transmission Lines was performed at the follow venues across Europe:

Alt text Transmission Lines, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria [Image: Harald Wawrzyniak, 2023)

Alt text Transmission Lines - House of the Arts, Brno, Czechia [Image: John Richards, 2023)

Alt text Transmission Lines - A4, Bratislava, Slovakia [Image: John Richards, 2023)

Alt text Transmission Lines - GAMPA, Pardubice, Czechia [Image: John Richards, 2023)